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The Code Catalogue Concept

The Code Catalogue specializes in assisting the teaching and learning processes by providing access to information within a structured framework of meaningful relationships between topics. Its design takes into account:-

  • the universal structure of knowledge as represented in classification systems such as DeweyTM and Library of CongressTM
  • the emphasis on schemata and concept maps in educational psychology
  • on-going observation of library practice and a commitment to constant improvement of the system's efficiency in supporting teaching and learning in schools
  • collegiate input of practitioners in librarianship and education

The Search Strategy

The searching processes built into the system are designed to take account of the structure of knowledge and to replicate the skills students need for effective note-taking and structuring of information, notably concept mapping and structured overviews. As a result, the catalogue can be a highly useful teaching tool.

The catalogue's rapid retrieval of related subject headings is based on a series of 2 or 3 letter codes based on the Library of CongressTM Classification. The search process is bi-directional, rather than just searching from the general to the specific as was the case with the traditional catalogue. The linkages ensure that the searcher is able to move from broad to specific terms and, importantly, from specific to broad subject areas. The inherent grouping of like terms means that users can easily focus or widen their subject selection as required

The Codes

The codes were developed in order to facilitate library use for all stake-holders:

  1. The Searcher: The codes help users to group related headings so they experience success rather than dead-end searches. They facilitate the logical browsing of subject areas within the catalogue and they help users to develop concepts by the grouping of like terms
  2. The Cataloguer: The codes assist in the selection of classification numbers and the allocation of valid subject headings
  3. The Teacher: The codes allow for the preparation of instant bibliographies. They aid the selection of materials to fill collection gaps for specific curriculum areas and facilitate the rapid review of the availability of resources for a work unit
  4. The Principal or the Resource Manager: The codes allow for the examination of the overall balance of the collection. They allow planning and budgeting for collection supplementation and analysis of the resource support available to specific curriculum area

The Code Catalogue and the National Curriculum

The structure of subject groupings in the Code Catalogue approximates the structure of key learning areas of the National Curriculum. While there has been no attempt to directly align the codes to the National Curriculum as yet, should a Currciulum be adopted nationally the potential is clearly there for this to occur. As the code overlay does not affect the integrity of library data, changes to the codes can be made centrally to reflect changing emphases in schooling without adversely affecting any individual school's data.

Applications of the Code Catalogue

The code catalogue is implemented across our whole range of software and can also be used as an overlay.

If you would like to discuss the Code Catalogue and 'Related Areas' in depth please don't hesitate to contact our office.

The LibCode Difference
